Complaint Filed vs INTEX Resources


Oslo, Norway
Tuesday 24th February 2009

The Norwegian mining company Intex Resources is violating the OECD’s Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, says Future in our Hands, and has filed a complaint against the company to the OECD’s Norwegian National Contact Point (NCP).

“The mining company is basing their operation in the Philippines on an agreement from 1999 that never should have been approved” says Arild Hermstad, manager of Future in our Hands. “The prospecting agreement was signed by fingerprint on an English-language document in the company’s premises, and representatives from areas directly impacted by the production agreement were not included in the consultation process.”

Future in our Hands has also asked the OECD’s NCP to assess whether Intex has violated the guidelines relating to disclosure, bribery and the environment.

“We are worried about how the company has worked to expand their activities, both on how they have secured support amongst the local population and on how they have influenced the determination of boundaries between concerned indigenous people”, says Hermstad.

The operation that Intex Resources plans in Mindoro on the Philippines will have large consequences for the environment; consequences that the company has suppressed. The mining area is in a watershed that is important for four large rivers supplying irrigation water to a large amount of the province’s rice fields and fruit-tree plantations. Local politicians are therefore very worried about the long-term effects on agricultural areas and food production.

Contact: Arild Hermstad, 9803 6762

Read the whole article "Norsk gruveselskap klaget inn for rettighetsbrudd på Filippinene" here.

Read the complaint that has been sent to the Norwegian contact point here.


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